Tuesday, October 15, 2013


TOPICS AND TERMS - Chronological Overview of Events, Personalities, Ideas - Johann Tetzel - indulgences - Martin Luther - 95 Theses - Salvation by faith alone - Bible is the ultimate authority - Grace of God brings absolution - Baptiism and communion are the only valid sacraments - transubstantiation - consubstantiation - Clergy is not superior to the laity - Church should be subordinate to the state - papal bull - Pope Leo X - Emperor Charles V - Frederick the Wise - the Diet of Worms - Lutheranism spreads - Franz von Sickengen - Peasants' War - anabaptists - millennarians - Albert of Brandenburg-Prussia - the Diet of Speyer - League of Schmalkalden - Huldreich Zwingli - Peace of Cappel - Pope Paul III - reform popes - Act of Supremacy - Anglican Church - Henry VIII - Catherine of Aragon - Thomas Cranmer - Anne Boleyn - abolition of monastaries in England - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion - Predestination - elect or saints - conversion - Puritan or Protestant ethic - Church government - theocracy - England - Statute of the Six Articles - Mary Tudor - Puritan Revolution - Presbyterians - Huguenots - Calvinists - Separatists - Catholic and Counter-Reformations begin (1540s) - Ignatius Loyola - Jesuits (Society of Jesus) - Spanish and Italian Inquisitions - Index of Prohibited Books - Council of Trent - salvation by good works and faith - seven sacraments valid - religious authority is with the Bible, traditions of the Church, writings of Church fathers - Monasticism with celibacy, purgatory reconfirmed - principle of indulgences upheld but abuses corrected - Peace of Augsburg - Cuius regio, eius religio - Results of Protestant Reformation - Northern Europe - unity of Christianity shattered - Wars of Religion - Protestant spirit of individualism - Protestantism justified nationalism - The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) - the four phases - the Bohemian Phase - the Danish Phase - the Swedish Phase - the French-Swedish Phase - the Peace of Westphalia - effects of Thirty Years War - Germany ` - Balance of Power politics - the Hapsburgs - slowing of Catholic and Counter Reformations