Monday, January 28, 2013


TOPICS AND TERMS - Overview - causes - search for markets and raw materials - investing surplus capital - missionaries - worldwide missions - military and naval bases - home country - competition to acquire colonies - balance of power - haves and have-nots - ideology - white man’s burden - superiority of the West - social Darwinism - regions - Africa - Egypt - Ottoman Empire - Suez Canal - Anglo-Egyptian Administration - Algeria, Tunisia, most of Morocco, Lybia - Africa south of the Sahara - Belgian, German and French explorers - Berlin Conference - Asia - Sepoy Mutiny - British East India Company - Indian sub-continent - Dutch East Indies - French Indo-China - Russia’s sphere of influence - Persia (Iran) - China - Extraterritoriality - Open Door Policy - Boxer Rebellion - the Dowager Empress - Manchu Dynasty - Sun Yat Sen - three principles - nationalism - democracy - livelihood - Japan - shogun (shogunate) - Commodore Perry - Meiji Dynasty - Russo-Japanese War - the end of colonialism - the British Empire - Indian Independence - Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi - nonviolent resistance - Hindu-Moslem hostilities - Hindu India, Moslem Pakistan - British African colonial independence - British Commonwealth of Nations - Palestine - Jewish-Moslem hostilities - wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 - Nationalization of the Suez Canal - the Suez Crisis - the Dutch Empire - Spice Islands - Indonesia - Sukarno - the French Empire - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - Ho Chi Minh - the Geneva Accords - partitioning of Viet Nam - North Africa - Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria - French Algerian War - African independence - Belgian Congo (Zaire) - impact of imperialism - collapse of western colonial empires - colonies unprepared to rule themselves - led to military dictatorships