Monday, October 8, 2012

AP European History: The Italian and Northern Renaissance

TOPICS AND TERMS - The Italian Renaissance - The Italian City-States - the major city-states - Republic of Genoa - Duchy of Milan - Rome, the Papal States - Naples, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - Venice, Venetian Republic - the Medici Family - Giovanni - Cosimo - Lorenzo the Magnificent - Individualism, A New Conception of Humankind - man is the measure of all things - virtu - The Arts as an Expression of Individualism - Filippo Brunelleschi - Leon Battista Alberti - Lorenzo Ghiberti - Giotto - Massaccio - Botticelli - Raphael - The Greatest of the Great - Leonardo da Vinci - Michelangelo Buonarotti - Humanism - Petrarch - Boccaccio - Bruni - Baldassare Castiglione - Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince - The Northern Renaissance - Germany - science and technology - Gutenberg - Regiomontanus - Behaim and Schoner - Copernicus - mysticism - Meister Eckhart - Thomas a Kempis - Gerard Groote - Erasmus - In Praise of Folly - England - Elizabeth I - Christopher Marlowe - Edmund Spenser - Francis Bacon - William Shakespeare - Henry VIII - Sir Thomas More - Utopia - France - Hundred Years' War - Louis XI - Charles VIII - Louis XII - Francis I - Henry II - Rabelais - Montaigne - Spain - Moors - Reconquista - Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote - Lope de Vega - Bartolome Estaban Murillo - Domenikos (El Greco) - Diego Velazquez - Francisco Suarez