Tuesday, January 22, 2013
- in the atmosphere is unending circulation of water
- energy of sun evaporates huge quantities of water from oceans
- winds transport the moist air to other regions
- where condenses and makes clouds
- some of which makes rain and snow
- if it falls in ocean, the cycle starts again
- if it falls on land, it returns to sea in complex journey
- this cycle of moving water from liquid, vapor and back
- the Hydrologic cycle
- from ocean to atmosphere to land and back to ocean
- vapor comes from many sources
- if from the oceans, rivers or lakes
- evaporation
- if from living things like animals, trees or people
- transpiration
- vapor condenses into clouds
- wind pushes clouds to land
- precipitation falls to the ground as snow, sleet, hail or rain
- may take form of glacier
- may travel underground in rivers
- called groundwater
- run off flows to the sea
- and the cycle starts over again
- think of air molecules as countless billions of bees
- swarming around, bumping into each other
- they also collide with anything around them
- each molecule of air travels about a thousand times its diameter
- we’ve already learned that temperature is determined by the
average speed of its molecules
- kinetic energy
- so at room temp. avg speed is @ 1,000 mph
- if temp raised, avg speed would increase
- if temp lowered, avg speed would decrease
- the cooler it gets the slower the speed
- until it reached -273'C or -459'F
- this is supposedly the coldest temp possible
- absolute zero
- molelcules have min. amt of energy
- so no thermal motion
- temperature scales
- most scientists use temp. scale called absolute or Kelvin Scale
- after British scientist Lord Kelvin who first introduced it
- the Kelvin scale has no negative numbers
- unlike fahrenheit or Celsius (formerly centigrade)
- this makes it convenience for scientific calculations
- the Fahrenheit scale was dev. early 1700's by G. Daniel Fahrenheit
- he assigned number 32 as temp when water freezes
- and 212 at point water boils
- b/t freezing and boiling points are 180 equal division
- called degrees
- this kind of thermometer is called a fahrenheit thermometer
- b/c it measures hotness or coldness of things in degrees F
- The Celsius scale introduced later in 18th century
- 0' is temp at which water freezes
- 100' is temp at which water boils
- space b/t freeze and boil is divided into 100 equal degrees
- so each degree Celsius is 1.8 times higher than Farh
- increase in 1'C = increase of 1.5'F
- on Kelvin Scale degrees are called Kelvins
- abbreviated K
- each degree is exactly same as Celsius
- and temp of 0'K = -273'C
- converting from ‘C to K
- add 273' to Celsius temp
- ex: K =’C + 273
- there are three steps to converting Celsius to Fahrenheit
- take the temperature in Celsius and multiply by 1.8
- add 32 degrees
- the result is Celsius converted to Fahrenheit
- i.e. 35' celsius X 1.8 = 63 + 32 = 95' Fahrenheit
- in most of the world, temp readings are taken in Celsius
- in US, temps above the surface are taken in C
- while temps at the surface are taken in F
- in this class temps will be given in C, and we’ll figure out the F
- as long as air temp is above absolute zero, molecules will move about
- on avg spring day might collide 10 billion times each second
- with each other, houses, trees, flowers, the ground, people
- each time it bounces off a thing it gives a tiny push
- push divided by the area is called pressure
Pressure = area
- at sea level air molecules exert force of @ 14.7 lbs psi
- even though we can’t actually feel it, we can detect changes in it
- as we ride in a plane, our ears will pop
- air collisions b/t outside and inside ear equalize
- means higher you go, the less the air pressure
- but why are there fewer molecules at high levels?
- air molecules, like everything else, held to earth by gravity
- squeezing air molecules close together at earth’s surface
- this is called air density
- we know that air molecules have weight
- which exerts a force over the earth
- amt of force over an area is called atmospheric pressure/ air pressure
- the higher we go, the less air pressure over us
- a column of air 1sq in from sea level to top of atmosphere
- weight is approx. 14.7 lbs.
- so normal pressure at sea level is 14.7 lbs psi
- if more molecules are put into the column, pressure goes up
- if less molecules are in the column, the pressure lowers
- change in air density = change in air pressure
- pounds per square inch (PSI) is one way of expressing pressure
- but on surface weather maps, they use millibar
- but need to know what a Newton (N) is
- amt of force required to move an object w/a mass
of one kilogram (kg) so that it increases its speed
at a rate of 1 m/sec each sec.
- a bar is a unit of pressure
- force of 100,000N on surface area of 1 sq meter
- because bar is particularly large unit we use millibar
- 1 bar = 1000 mb
- pressure readings on all surface weather maps are expressed in millibars
- at sea level standard value for atmospheric pressure is 1013.25 mb
- we measure atmospheric pressure using a barometer
- so atmospheric pressure is also referred to as barometric pressure
- mercury barometer
- glass tube is put open side down into dish of mercury
- closed end has air pumped out to make a vacuum
- in high pressure, air pressure pushes down on dish
- causing mercury to rise in tube
- in low pressure, air pressure eases up on dish
- lowering the mercury in the tube
- each millibar is expressed in number of inches of mercury pushed
- ex: 850 mb = 25.10" of mercury is pushed up
- ex: 1110 mb = 32.78" of mercury
- ex: sea level mb? (1013.25 mb) = 29.92"
- most common type of home barometer is called an aneroid barometer
- contains no fluid
- inside is small flexible metal box called aneroid cell
- before cell is sealed, air is partially removed
- better to measure pressure changes in the air
- small changes in pressure causes cell to expand or contract
- size of cell is calibrated to represent different pressures
- any change in size is shown by an indicating arm
- barometer readings tell us a lot about what the weather will be
- 870 mb lowest recorded sea level pressure during typhoon Tip 1979
- 899 mb Hurricane Allen Aug. 1980
- 980 mb deep low pressure system
- 1013.25 mb average sea level pressure
- 1050 mb strong high pressure system
- 1064 mb highest recorded sea level pressure in US Montana 12/83
- 1084 mb highest recorded sea level pressure, Siberia 12/68
- 28 to 29 inches and rising meas that rain will continue for 12 to 24 hours followed by clearing and cooler
- 29.01 to 29.40 inches and falling means that rain will fall within 2 hours
- 29.41 to 29.70 inches and rising means clouds will diminish throughout the day
- 29.71 to 30.00 inches and falling means that the skies will become partly cloudy and humidity will rise
- 30.01 to 30.50 inches and rising means that it will be mostly sunny and warm
- 30.51 to 31.00 inches and falling means that clouds will increase throughout the day with a 10% chance of rain late in the day.
- air pressure decreases rapidly with height
- new sea level, pressure usually close to 1000 mb
- normally decreasing 10 mb for every 100 meters in elevation
- at higher levels, pressure decreases much more slowly
- at 5.5 km (3.5 mi) pressure is about 500 mb
- half of sea level pressure
- means that half of all molecules are below us
- Mt. Everest at 9 km or 29,000', pressure about 300 mb
- at about 50 km or 30 mi. pressure is about 1 mb
- meaning 99.9% of all atmostphere is below us
- yet atmosphere extends up for many kilometers
- helps define “thin air”
- decrease of pressure w/height makes sure rising air always cools
- think of a balloon and let’s call it a parcel
- this parcel can expand or contract freely
- but external air/heat c/n mix w/air inside
- as parcel moves, d/n break apart but remains single unit
- air molecules inside parcel defines air density
- avg speed of molecules directly related to air temp
- and molecules colliding inside rep. air pressure
- at surface parcel has same temp as surrounding air
- if carried up, enters region where air pressure is lower
- lower pressure outside lets molecules inside expand the parcel
- because no new molecules inside parcel, less kinetic energy from collisions because of less density
- less kinetic energy = lower temperature
- therefore air that rises always expands and cools
- if parcel lowers to earth, returns to where pressure outside higher
- squeezing parcel back to original size
- increasing average speed of molecules inside
- more kinetic heat
- so air that sinks (subsides) gets warm
- subsiding air always warms by compression
- as air subsides and warms, can hold more water vapor
- means must need more water to reach saturation
- so sinking air prevents formation of clouds
- as air rises and cools, c/n hold more water
- so clouds can form by condensation
- so cloudy skies are often due to rising/cooling air
- while clear skies may be result of sinking (warm) air
- in other words when air rises or descends, air pressure temp and density all change
- this applies to air at the surface, but aloft it’s different
- we already said air higher up tends to cool or be cold
- because of less kinetic energy
- if the air were confined to a city block to the top of atmosphere
- air density would be the same
- think of an ice cube
- when warmed it is less dense
- when cold it is more dense
- the same goes with air that is aloft
- let’s look at our column of air over the city again
- column 1 and 2 are equal size and same amt of molecules
- if column 1 air was cold, the molecules w/b denser
- but same amt of molecules as 2
- if column 2 was warmed, the molecules w/b less dense
- still the same amt of molecules as 1
- column one would be shorter than 2
- because same amt of molecules are compressed
- and warm air expands the column
- weather rule: it takes a shorter column or cold, dense air to exert the
same amount of pressure as a taller column of warm, less dense air.
- now let’s move up the cold column until half way and mark the spot
- then from that line cross over to the warm column
- notice there are more molecules above that line than below
- more pressure above means high pressure above
- weather rule: warm air aloft is normally associated with high pressure
while cold air aloft usually means low atmospheric pressure
- now what would happen if the surface temperature changed
- on cold surface, molecules w/b densest at the bottom
- mercury barometer would read high pressure
- if warm surface, molecules less dense
- mercury barometer would read low pressure
- heat from the sun can warm the upper atmosphere
- and we all know that warm air molecules have more kinetic energy
- because they are moving faster
- this heating of the atmosphere moves the molecules
- we know it as wind
- when the sun goes down, these winds also cool
- this is called diurnal fluctuation of pressure
- diurnal means daily
- so upper level heats at its max. @ 10a.m.
- when sun is heating atmosphere
- and 10p.m.
- when upper atmosphere cools
- upper level has minimum pressure new 4am and pm
- these changes in winds are known as thermal tides
- because the fluctuation of winds is like the tides of the ocean
- movement of wind aloft can also change surface air pressure
- in some places winds aloft will cause air to funnel into an area
- causing air to crowd together like cars entering a freeway
- this piling up is called convergence
- upper level convergence increases air pressure on surface
- in other regions winds aloft will cause air to go in many directions
- this is called divergence
- upper level divergences decreases air pressure on surface
- Changes in surface air pressure can be brought on by changes in
air density above the surface. They can be caused by:
- Changes in air temperature
- sunlight warming upper portion of atmosphere, causing winds
- convergence and divergence of air brought by wind patterns