Tuesday, January 8, 2013
- Even before Napoleon was defeated, many European leaders met in Vienna
- to plan terms for peace
- The Congress of Vienna lasted until June 1815
- Prince Metternich of Austria wanted the nations to be like before the revolution
- Lord Castlereagh of GB wanted GB to increase trade peacefully with others
- Czar Alexander I of Russia and Prince Talleyrand of France wanted the same
- all from different nations, all wanted the same thing
- return of the monarch system
- these leaders also believed France must pay compensation
- for what Napoleon did to other countries
- most of it to be paid in land
- Prussia & Russia gained new land as a result
- GB got some colonies in other parts of the world
- the Congress leaders formed an alliance–The Quadruple Alliance
- Austria, Prussia, Russia, GB
- to make sure peace terms were obeyed
- but soon they had to deal with revolutions in Italy and Spain during 1820's
- the peace settlement began to fall apart by 1830
- remember revolution in France against Charles X
- tried to take away some of the people’s freedoms
-Louis Phillipe became king and the constitution was changed
- this revolution led to others all over Europe
- only a few were successful
- Belgium won its independence
- in 1829 Greece won its independence from the Turkish Empire
- during early 1830's GB almost had one too
- people unhappy cause only small # of wealthy landowners could vote
- many middle class and workers were demanding suffrage
- to vote for members of Parliament
- riots began to break out
- to stop them Parliament passed the Reform Bill of 1832
-middle class now had right to vote
- 1867, 1884 city and farm workers given suffrage
-also remember that France had another revolution in 1848
- others followed shortly thereafter
- In Austrian Empire revolution forced Emperor to promise more freedom
- and give Hungary independence
- other parts of AE began to demand independence
- the government put down these revolts
- and took away freedom won earlier
- but one important freedom remained
- all serfs in AE were given their freedom
- in 1848 there were revolutions in Germany
- as result, most German rulers promised to give people more freedom
- but the people also wanted to unite all different parts of Germany into one
- German leaders met in the Frankfort Assembly to talk about it
- they wanted to elect the Prussian monarch to be ruler of all Germany
- but the monarch refused, so the meeting ended in failure
- and afterwards, most German rulers did not keep their promises
- about giving the people more freedom
- at the same time in Italy, there were revolutions going on there
- a Republic was set up in Rome
- other Italian states declared their independence from the AE
- AE was preoccupied with their own revolutions
-during French Revolution, Germany divided into more than 300 independent states
- Austria and Prussia the two most important
- starting in 1792 both fought several wars against France
- but both were defeated by Napoleon
- forced to become allies with France
- Napoleon then took all German states b/t Austria, France & Prussia
- uniting these states and calling them the Confederation of the Rhine
- many changes in these states under control of France
- the Code Napoleon became the law of the land
- German nobles lost much of their power
- German serfs were set free
- these changes helped German people enjoy better lives
- rulers of Prussia and other German states realized they must do the same
- improve conditions for the people to avoid revolts
- Prussia freed its serfs and gave people more freedom
- these improvements gave German people proud of being German
- leaders at Congress of Vienna tried to make Germany stronger
- divided it into 39 states and united them into the German Confederation
- purpose was to make them & Europe strong enough to resist France
- leaders also made Prussia stronger
- gave it some territory west of the Rhine(was controlled by France)
- Prussia became the strongest state in Confederation
- Austria was second strongest
- but Germany d/n become more united after 1815
- most rulers wished to rule states as they had been before French Revolution
- tried to keep German people from gaining more freedom
- in Prussia, the promised and long awaited constitution was never created
- German students began talking about uniting Germany into one nation
- the Confederation passed the Carlsbad Decrees
- forbade teachers/students to speak/write ideas about freedom
- in the revolutions of 1848, Germany almost became united under an Emperor
- but remember the Prussian ruler refused to become the German Emperor
- however by 1862 Prussia had a new constitution
- and a parliament headed by Otto von Bismarck as chancellor (aka PM)
- his greatest wish was a unified Germany
- his plan was to go to war with other countries
- this “blood and iron” policy gave him his nickname
- the Iron Chancellor
- he built up a powerful army to defeat Austria
- believed Austria m/b defeated to have a united Germany
- by 1866 Prussia at war with Austria and other German states
- remember the Prussian army was well prepared for war
- defeated Austria within 7 weeks
- took over N. German states that supported Austria
- the German Confederation was now a thing of the past
- in 1867 replaced by the North German Confederation
- with Prussia as the leader
- this united most of German states
- but the southern ones still independent
- it took another war to unite them with the rest
- in 1870 war between Prussia and France
- the southern states joined Prussia against France and together they won
- victory made them so proud they now wished to be united
- 1871 the confederation became the German Empire
- with Bismarck as Emperor
- it became the strongest nation of Europe
- but it was not a democracy
- the Emperor controlled the army, navy, foreign affairs
- the PM & other leading officials now chosen by Emperor not elected
- Parliament still elected, but had little power
- but the bottom line was, Germany now united
- When these were over, the AE ended the revolutions in N. Italy &N Rome WORLD HISTORY NOTES 44
- Remember Italy was once the center of the Roman Empire
- after that ended it was divided into many states or parts
- that was its status in 1789 when French Revolution began
- by 1793 France was at war with most of Europe
- and by 1801 Napoleon had conquered most of Italy
- so all of it was either owned or controlled by France
- under Napoleon the serfs became free
- the nobles and church lost some of their powers
- the Code Napoleon was became the official laws
- when Napoleon was defeated in 1815 the Congress of Vienna divided it again
- S. Italy was ruled by the Bourbon family
- the dynasty that was ruling France at the time
- Central Italy was given back to the Pope at Rome
- who again ruled the Papal States
- N. Italy was ruled again by Austria
- the only Italian state with its own ruler was the Kingdom of Sardinia
- some land in Italy and the island itself
- b/t 1815-1848 Italian rulers tried to govern their states like before the French Rev.
- but many Italians d/n want to lose freedoms gained under Napoleon
- soon many would revolt against their leaders
- some led by secret group called the Carbonari
- others were led by Joseph Mazzini
- leader of the group Young Italy
- both groups wanted to overthrow foreign rule in Italy
- and set up strong, united Italian nation
- in 1848 revolutions by these new groups broke out all over Italy
- forcing Sardinia, the Pope, and the Bourbons to give the people what they wanted
- new constitution, more freedoms, new plans for government
- then all N. Italian states declared their independence from Austria
- and joined the Kingdom of Sardinia
- w/in a few months Austria defeated Sardinia and re-won all territories lost
- Austria and the Pope ended the new constitutions
- but King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia kept the constitution of 1848
- many Italians thought Sardinia was only state strong enough to lead to unification
- under Sardinia’s PM Count Cavour farming & trade improved greatly
- making Sardinia a prosperous state
- Cavour also strengthened the gov’t by cutting power of Sardinian nobles
- and the power of the church
- but before unification could happen, Austria had to be ousted from N. Italy
- Cavour asked other nations for help against Austria
- 1858 Napoleon III agreed to help if Sardinia attacked by Austria
- which happened the next year
- France kept its promise, defeating Austria that year
- now all of N.Italy taken over by Sardinia
- except for Venetia
- Meanwhile S.Italy wanted the Bourbons out
- that revolution was led by Giuseppe Garibaldi
- bold, brave, brash
- had fought in revolutions of 1830's and 1848
- his army of 1000 conquered Sicily and the mainland of S. Italy
- he then presented these lands to the King of Sardinia
- in 1861 Victor Emmanuel became ruler of new Kingdom of Italy
- ruling all but Venetia and the region around Rome
- in 1866 Venetia joined the kingdom
- but Italy still did not have Rome
- which was controlled by the Pope
- protected by army of French soldiers
- remember in 1870 France was at war against Prussia
- the French soldiers returned to France leaving Rome unguarded
- the Italian army able to take it over
that year, Rome became the capital of a united Italy WORLD HISTORY NOTES 45
- while Italy and Germany were become nations, other countries were quite busy
- between 1848 and 1914 GB had a peaceful period
- but it fought one important war
- the Crimean War (1854-1856) because fought in the Crimea
- peninsula in N. Black Sea
- GB & France fought Russia
- Russians wanted to take lands from Turkish Empire
- GB & France won, but heavy casualties on both sides
- from 1837 to 1901 GB ruled by the very popular Queen Victoria
- but the real ruler was Parliament
- led by PM who headed the main political party in the House of Commons
- which passed all the laws of the country
- the House of Lords was part of the Parliament too
- but they had few powers except for the power of veto
- which they used to prevent higher tax laws to be passed
- the 2 greatest PM’s of this time were Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone
-under them, Parliament passed many important laws
- some gave more British people suffrage
- some set up a public school system
- by early 1900's Parliament passed several social welfare laws
- aka “social security laws”
- these provided health and unemployment insurance
- and old-age pensions for all British workers
- the money was to come from higher taxes
- but House of Lords were against this and tried to veto it
- to preclude this, Commons passed new law that took away Lord’s power of veto
- so House of Lords remained in Parliament, but now had no real power
- In France, Napoleon III was fighting the Crimean war
- then 1870 fought Prussia
- Franco-Prussian War
- this was one of the wars that helped Germany unite
- powerful Prussian army crushed weaker French army
- and Napoleon III captured
- at this time 2nd French Empire ended
- and 3rd Republic set up
- in 1875, France drew up a new constitution
- government was now bicameral
- all citizens voted for lower house
- House of Deputies
- similar to House of Commons
- the legislature elected a President
- but he had little power
- real leader in gov’t was the Premier
- or PM
- elected by the people
- during 3rd Republic factory workers demanded improved working conditions
- gov’t passed new laws
- cut down on working hours
- provided medical care
- set up old-age pensions
- remember that Germany had a constitution and elected legislature
- but real power held by German Chancellor (PM) and Emperor
- after unification in 1871 Chancellor Otto von Bismarck built up the industries
- was so successful that by 1914 almost as developed as GB’s
- factory workers also demanded changes
- better working conditions, social welfare laws
- to gain their support Bismarck agreed
- had social welfare laws passed in late 1800's enforced
- these laws worked so well that GB and France copied them 20 years later
- however Emperor William II was against these laws
- he forced Bismarck to leave his government position
- but the laws were so popular, they continued
- It is said “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”
- so it was with the old empires of Europe,
- Austria-Hungary, Russia, and the Turkish Empire
- all grew weak and began to fade away from 1848 to 1914
- 1848 Empire ruled by Emperor Franz Joseph of the Hapsburg dynasty
- the empire had many nationalities or national groups
- each wanted to form own nation
- wanted the empire to be divided to form separate nation for each nationality
- in 1867 the emperor agreed, but only into two parts
- it became known as Austria-Hungary
- but all the nationalities were still ruled by just these two nationalities
- and the emperor was still ruler of all
- pressure to divide further did not stop
- ultimately Austria-Hungary would only last until 1918 because of a fatal weakness
- many nationalities d/n like being ruled by Austrians and Hungarians
- Croats, Poles, Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, and others
- they continued to want their own nations
- so they d/n support Austria Hungary
- by mid 1800's Russia still ruled as in 1700's
- Czar was leader of gov’t and the Russian church
- Russian nobles held all important gov’t positions
- serfs had no freedom
- in 1853 Czar Nicholas I sent army into Turkish territory
- GB & France feared a take over of the Dardanelles
- passage b/t Black Sea and Mediterranean
- GB & France supported Turkish Empire
- and declared war on Russia in 1854 (the Crimean War)
- as you remember, Russia lost that war
- army poorly trained
- badly equipped
- new Czar Alexander II realized changes necessary in Russia
- if it was to become a powerful nation
- he knew Russia was “backward”
- slow in developing the potential of its people
- 1861 passed law freeing the serfs
- they no longer had to work for their lords
- gov’t gave land to each mir (village)
- the mirs would sell land to the freed serfs
- however land prices too high for most serfs
- some forced to become farm workers on other’s lands
- at low pay
- others forced to move to the cities to work
- Alexander II also improved the court system
- allowed the people to have more control over local gov’ts
- opened new schools
- however when Poland rebelled in 1863, he changed his mind
- no longer gave more freedom to Russian people
- more trouble soon followed
- Alexander II killed in 1881 by a bomb
- Czar Alexander III thought father’s policies of more freedom was mistake
- so he and his son Nicholas II tried something else
- tried to Russify all nationalities and religious groups in Russia
- force Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Finns and Jews
- to accept Russian ways
- to speak Russian
- to join the Russian Orthodox Church
- most refused, and continued to want independence
- 1904-1905 Russia at war with Japan and was defeated
- afterwards a revolution broke out in Russia in 1905
- forced the govt. to promise a new constitution and more democracy
- a legislature called the Duma was set up
- but new Czar Nicholas II took most of its power away
- by 1914 Russians had very little freedom
- conditions were ripe for a revolution by its citizens
- b/t 1800 & early 1900 Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Rumania won independence
from Turkish Empire
- while Europe took over other parts
- the Turkish people were ready to revolt
- 1908 new leaders called the Young Turks took over the govt.
-and made important changes to help Turkey become a stronger nation