Tuesday, March 18, 2014


TRENDS IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE VOCABULARY CONTEMPORARY: living, occurring, or originating at the same time ALLEVIATE: to make (pain or difficulty) less severe MONETARY: relating to money or currency RECESSION: a temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced DEFICITS: a temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced BOOM: economic time of prosperity and plenty INFLATION: a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money STAGFLATION: economic stagnation with high inflation and high unemployment GLASNOST: the policy or practice of more open government. PERESTROIKA: restructuring (refers to radical economic, political, and social reforms in the USSR) OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries PROFOUND: very great or intense; showing great knowledge or insight; demanding deep study or thought IMPOSITION: when one is forced to be accept, undertake, or comply with; to take unfair advantage of someone AUSTERITY: a period of lacking comforts, luxuries, or adornment; or severe or strict in appearance or manner FRUGAL: sparing or economical as regards money or food. AUTOBAHN: a motorway in a German-speaking country INITIATIVE: the ability to act independently and with a fresh approach; the power or opportunity to act before others do; a new development or fresh approach to a problem. RECONCILIATION: restoration of friendly relations between two parties STALEMATE a situation in which further progress by opposing parties seems impossible ENTERPRISE: a business or company; a project or undertaking, especially a bold one; bold resourcefulness MARKET MECHANISMS: rules and regulations that drive an economic market REPUDIATION: a denial of the truth or validity of something or someone; a refusal to accept or be associated with OPT: choose GNP: Gross National Product EMBARGO: an official ban, especially on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country BRAIN DRAIN: the emigration the best and brightest of a country to another usually to avoid persecution URBANIZATION: :relating to or characteristic of changing into a town or city S.T.A.R.T.: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START COUP: a coup d’etat WORLD COURT IN THE HAGUE: international court whose jurisdiction is crimes against humanity DISTINCTION: a marked difference or contrast; the action of distinguishing MATERIALISTIC: a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values ETHNIC CLEANSING: genocide, the deliberate destruction of an ethnic group FALTER: to lose strength or momentum; move or speak hesitantly DISSOLUTION: the formal closing down or ending of an assembly, official body, or agreement PROVOKE: to stimulate or cause a strong or unwelcome reaction or emotion in someone; to deliberately annoy or anger; to incite to do or feel something, especially by arousing anger.