Monday, October 1, 2012
AP European History: The Late Middle Ages Focus Questions
1. Why did kings in the late Middle Ages increasingly have to consult
representative assemblies to grant new taxes?
2. What caused the instability of the 14th century?
3. What was the great schism and how was it resolved?
4. Describe the impact and development of gunpowder on Europe’s nobility.
5. What is conciliarism
6. Which, if not all, characterize middle ages scholasticism?
a. The belief in transmigration of souls
b. The necessity of accommodation with Muslim theology
c. The use of dialectical logic
7. What were some of the important consequences of the 100 Years War?
8. What views did the unam sanctam express?
9. Where did the Hanseatic League have a monopoly?
10. Why were Christians not allowed to loan money with interest?