Tuesday, August 14, 2012
AP European History: Ancient Civilizations and Ancient Greece
- Early man identified by tools and fossils, etc.
- Paleolithic Old Stone Age
- @ 2 million years ago
- people nomadic
- hunter/gatherers
- developed language
- developed religion
@ 10,000 years ago Neolithic era
- New Stone Age
- 1st farmers
- better tools and buildings
- cloth & pottery
- domesticated animals
- fire
- trade between villages
- invention of the wheel
- copper working invented
- then bronze from mixing metals
- The Bronze Age
- associated with ancient Greece
- Many civilizations began close to rivers
- four great river valleys
- Egypt - Nile
- China - Yellow
- India - Indus
- Mesopotamia
- Tigris and Euphrates
- The Fertile Crescent
- Mesopotamia
- “the land between two rivers”
- polytheistic
- trade was very important (barter system)
- Sumer the first great city of Mesopotamia
- Sumerians invented writing
- cuneiform
- 2350 BCE
- Sumerians conquered by Sargon the Great of Akkad
- he established the first Empire
- other civilizations progressed into city/states
- Mesopotamians invented multiplication, division,
geometry, astronomy
- 1792BCE it was unified under one ruler in the
city/state called Babylon
- ruled by Hammurabi
- codified laws, some used today
- Stele of Hammurabi
- another center of civilization was in the Nile River valley
- farms sprang up due to rich fertile soil after flood
- Egypt’s Gift of the Nile
- the farms turned to villages, then to 2 kingdoms
- Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
- around 3100 BCE Menes brought the two together
- changed his name to Narmer
- he was considered the first Pharaoh
- Egyptian civ. continued for at least 30 dynasties
- after Menes, there were three periods
of strong dynasties
- The Old Kingdom
- 2686- 2181 BCE
- Age of the Pyramids
- The Middle Kingdom
- 2040 - 1786
- trade flourished during this time
- w/Syria, Palestine & Crete
- The New Kingdom
- 1570-1090
- the Egyptian Empire established
- from Euphrates south to Africa
- while rulers changed, the culture remained same
- for 3000 years
- religion played important part of life
- government was a theocracy
- were polytheistic
- believed gods influenced forces of nature
- legend of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, Anubis
- believed in life after death
- source of the mummy ritual
- entrails taken out and put in canopic jars
- brain whipped by stick and sucked out of nose
- body left to soak in natron for more than 70 days
- kind of salt
- leaves body dark and rigid
- then body wrapped and put in sarcophagus
- and buried
- hence the pyramids
- Khufu or Cheops
- Khafre
- Menkaure
- family members were buried in mastabas
- the first designer of pyramids was Imhotep
- built several pyramids for the Pharaoh Zoser
- several survive today
- notably the step pyramid of Saqqara
- they invented hieroglyphics
- writing on papyrus
- sometimes on cartouches
- developed a calendar more accurate then Sumerians
- engineers used geometry
- to build and plan irrigation works
- they were first to use stone columns
- the remains of their architecture is proof, well built
- by 1200 BCE their power had peaked
- others were coming into power.
- half way between Egypt and Greece
- c. 3000 BCE
- Egypt & Mesopotamia carried goods there
- soon Crete began trading w/them
- and other Mediterranean lands
- Cretans learned from these people.
- to make better tools of copper and bronze
- to make pottery & jewelry
- to build stone buildings
- learned Egyptian art
- and religions of the area
- they made many changes to what they learned
- art was different than the Egyptians
- writing was different from Mesopotamians
- The culture became known as Minoan
- after King Minos
- by 2000 BCE Crete was a great trading nation
- olive oil, wine, jewelry, fine pottery, tools
- brought back grain, tin, ivory, gold, and salt
- these traders started colonies in Greece, Asia Minor and other lands
- and w/traders, the culture followed
- During early days, Crete divided into many city/states
- c. 2000 BCE Thira exploded and destroyed most Cretan city/states
- Knossos became strongest city and capital
- ruins of palace show that the King was rich and powerful (*11)
- palace had several chapels, throne room, mtg rooms, etc.
- even had running water for sewers!
- Life was easier than Egyptians and Mesopotamians
- Crete d/n need a large army
- their navy was powerful enough
- they had enough food and plenty of rain and good land
- their trade brought in goods that most Cretans could afford
- .c. 1400 BCE Knossos & other Cretan cities destroyed by navy of Mycenae
- a city in southern Greece
- was begun around 3000 BCE
- ruled by Achaeans
- they took over Crete’s trade
- also Crete’s way of life
- also made jewelry, pottery, metal ware
- able to build walls 30-50' thick
- But they never became as powerful as the Cretans
- so Minoan culture d/n develop under Mycenae
- Achaeans were very warlike people
- attacked Troy
- written in book by Homer called The Iliad
- Troy in Greek is Ilium
- i.e. The Trojan War
- and conquered it
- Hellas (Helen) = Greece
- was metaphor
- But soon Mycenae invaded by northern Greeks
- The Dorians
- by 1000 BCE they conquered all of Greece
- also destroyed much of Mycenaean culture
- reading, writing no longer important
- pottery & tools not as well made
- but the idea of city/state remained
- also certain ideas about religion
- Greece is a peninsula
- land surrounded on three sides by water
- @ size of state of Pennsylvania mostly mountains
- divided Greece into many small sections
- difficult to travel from one place to another
- explains why most Greeks settled in small cities
- also explains why Greece d/n become united, like Egypt
- After Dorians conquered Greece they became farmers
- mixed w/conquered peoples
- Greeks of today come from this mixture
- slowly cities became center of Greek life each one a small nation
- called polis
- had own king, laws, army of free citizens
- thought of themselves as citizens of polis
- not citizens of Greece
- City included all the land around it
- had less than 10,000 people
- were well organized & had strong gov’ts
- fought wars, made treaties, collected taxes
- Kings ruled w/help of the nobles
- but by 750 BCE nobles became too powerful
- took away most of King’s power and used powers to tax the people
- most people were small farmers unable to pay taxes
- nobles took their farms
- many farmers sold into slavery
- some farmers tried to improve their lives
- left Greece and began colonies
- along coast of Asia Minor, Italy, N. Africa
- also many Mediterranean islands
- others fought w/nobles
- tried to replace them with tyrants
- a ruler who controls the gov’t
- many were wise rulers
- cut power of the nobles
- allowed the people to make their own laws
- was beginning of democracy
- a gov’t ruled by the people
- Athens was leading polis where democracy was born
- during 600's BCE, Athenian nobles made all laws
- were not written down
- few commoners knew what laws were
- @ 620 BCE nobleman Draco wrote them down
- helped people know what their rights were
- 594 BCE another noble, Solon, also helped people
- times were bad for farmers
- many owed money to nobles
- who already owned most of the land & $
- Solon ordered that $ d/n have to be paid
- also made it illegal to be sold into slavery if unable to pay
- also limited amt. of land anyone can own
- and allowed common people to share in making the laws
- for this, Solon was called “The Lawgiver”
- When Athenian nobles tried to stop changes, people supported the tyrants
- and defeated the nobles
-by 500 BCE Athens ruled by the Assembly
- meeting of all male citizens over 18 years old
- this soon became too large
- so they elected a Council of 500
- and a group of 10 generals
- these people ran the gov’t
- w/all actions approved by the Assembly
- in this way, Athens became a limited democracy
- Not all polis became democracies - Ex: Sparta in southern Greece
- ruled by 2 Kings and Council of Nobles
- one king in charge of religion. i.e. high priest?
- to Spartans, the need of state more imp. than needs of the individual
- boys had to serve in army from 7 y/o to 30
- girls trained to be mothers, wives
- Sparta became a strong, warlike state
- Greece’s number one enemy, The Persian Empire
- included Greek colonies in Asia Minor
- fought w/Greek polis, including Athens
- started in 500 BCE
- when Greek colonies revolted against
Persians in Asia Minor
- Athens sent ships to help colonies
- Persia declared war on Athens
- 490 BCE Persians sent 25K men to city of Marathon
- 25 miles north of Athens
- 10K Athenians waited for Persians to invade from
the north
- while Athens waited for sea attack
- Athenians at Marathon outnumbered
- but charged the Persians
- who were unused to fighting Greek style
and on rocky land
- also they wore light armor
- the Athenians were well disciplined
- after several hours, the Persians fled
- finally tally
- Persians lost 6,400
- Athenians 192
- But now Athens defenseless
- most in Marathon fighting off Persians and all tired
- and Persian navy on the way
- Army leaders knew that if they could inform Athens
of their victory, Athens w/n give up
- so they chose young Pheidippides
- he ran 25 miles to tell king of victory
- “Rejoice! We conquer”
- then he fell dead at the King’s feet
- but Athens now knew they should not give up
- actually waited at shore line for Persians
- who took one look and turned around
- Persian wars continued
- Athenians lost at Battle of Thermopylae in 480BCE
- but by 479 BCE Greeks won Persian War
- at final battle at Plataea
- Much of Athens destroyed during the wars
- now time to rebuild
- rebuilt temples on the Acropolis (High City)
- religious center of Athens
- most important building was Parthenon
- temple to Athena
- most buildings made of marble, very beautiful
- statues made by greatest sculptors in world
- between 460-429 BCE Athens became more democratic
- Assembly gained power
- now all citizens had right to be gov’t official
- however only men whose both parents born in
Athens could be citizens
- women, slaves, foreigners could not
- was same in other polis’
- so democracy was a limited one
- and this idea would spread
- Athens led by Pericles
- greatest leader in history of Athens
- under him Greece would reach its Golden Age
- produced great plays
- Athenians loved the theater
- comedies made fun of leading citizens
- tragedies dealt w/serious matters
- good vs evil, etc.
- Oedipus Rex
- most plays still seen today
- produced philosophers (lovers of knowledge)
- Socrates: search for truth by asking ?’s
- Plato: “The Republic” how to have utopia
- Aristotle: studied science and gov’t
- Hippocrates: the “Father of Medicine”
- Herodotus: the Father of History
- most of what we know @ Egypt &
Persian wars comes from him.
- Even after winning, the Greeks still feared Persia
- so developed a strong army
- which helped build strong trade and economy
- Athens eventually became leader of more than
200 polis
- Sparta feared Athens’ strength
- went to war in 431 BCE
- lasted 27 years (ended 404 BCE)
- Sparta won
- but both weakened and no longer powerful
- The Golden Age is over
- Greek Life
- Religion
- Gods were a family
- Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite
- lived on Mt. Olympus (northern Greece)
- controlled peoples’ actions
- but also behaved like humans
- quarreled, played tricks on each other
- were worshiped in temples and home
- no priests
- no one forced to worship
- Schools
- Greeks believed education made good citizens
- schools were private
- read/write/arithmetic/poetry/music/athletics
- if rich, private tutors hired
- geometry/astronomy/grammar/public speaking
- would grow up to be useful citizen
- building bodies just as important as education
- running/jumping/boxing/wrestling/discus
- would practice in large sports area
- gymnasia, Greek for naked
- every 4 years, even during war, would gather at polis called Olympia
- for Olympic Games
- was an honor to win for your polis
- Women
- had no rights
- ruled by fathers till married, then ruled by husbands
- married at 15 or 16
- Could see a play or take part in religious ceremonies
- but c/n go to party where there were men
- wife’s job is to look after home and make clothes
- if rich, had a slave to help and protect her
- poor women had more active life
- did all kinds of jobs
- including selling goods at market
- Greeks used many slaves to do their work
- rich Greeks could own up to 50 slaves
- this freed citizens to take part in gov’t or athletics
- slaves had to be treated well
- but slaves with special skills treated best
- some saved up enough money to buy their freedom
- Athens’ war w/Sparta ended 404 BCE
- weakening both
- Some polis continued to fight
- to gain control of Greece
- the strongest was Macedonia
- and it was getting stronger
- Macedonia, new nation just north of Greece
- were very similar to Greeks
- esp. language and religion
- Philip II of Macedonia became King at 23 y/o
- built a strong army
- began to conquer Greek polis’
- by 338 BCE had complete control of Greece
- Philip allowed conquered polis’ to run themselves
- but he remained leader of all armies and navies
- so finally Greece united
- but it took Macedonians to do it
- Philip planned to use combined armies of Macedonia
and Greece to use against the Persian Empire
- but he was murdered 336 BCE
- at daughter’s wedding, drunken former guard stabbed him
- his 20 y/o son Alexander became King
- had received a good education
- was tutored by Aristotle
- was fine soldier, athlete where he met Hephaestion
- would be lifelong partners
- so Alexander was prepared to be great ruler
- if any polis rebelled, he just put it down
- he became one of greatest generals of all time
- before long, he ruled all of Greece
- He set his eyes on his father’s prize, the Persian Empire
- they had very large army
- but not as well trained as Alexander’s
- by 331 BCE conquered all of Asia Minor, Egypt, Syria,
Palestine, Mesopotamia, and rest of Persian Empire
- defeating Darius III at Granicus
- But he wanted more...India
- so he began to march his soldiers there
- but most of them too tired of fighting
- forced him to turn back
- as Alexander conquered land, he wanted to spread Greek culture, too
- wanted to start a “world culture”
- based on best ideas of Greek, Persian & Hindu cultures
- w/Greek laws & language the basis of this culture
- called “Hellenistic Culture”
- Hellas = Greece
- Hellenistic = like Greece
- this period lasted 200 years from 323-133 BCE
- Alexander started many colonies all over his empire
- settlers introduced Greek language & culture to
conquered peoples
- They also learned from these conquered peoples
- Alexander built new cities and rebuilt old ones
- tried to make all people feel they were united
- encouraged international marriages
- took all religions into his army
- set us same $ system throughout empire
- easier to trade
- would have been nice to see what would have happened
- but he died 323 BCE at age 32
- returned to Babylon and contracted fever
- his empire divided into 3 parts ruled by 3 generals
- Macedonia & Greece to Antigonus
- Egypt & Palestine to Ptolemy
- The Rest to Seleucus
- each general tried to be strong ruler of his part
- except for Greece and Macedonia
- they continued to make own laws
- Hellenistic culture produced important ideas/discoveries
- contributions made possible by mixing best ideas of
the empire
- center of the culture was Alexandria, Egypt
- largest city in the Hellenistic world
- culture produced great art, writing, science advances
- discovered earth was round
- learned how to measure earth’s size
- discovered earth moves around the sun
- Euclid advanced geometry
- Archimedes discovered how to weigh matter
- law of displacement
- “Eureka!”
In a short essay, answer the following questions: Do you think Alexander the Great was a good ruler? How might world history have been different if Alexander had lived for another twenty years?